of the Apocalypse
Book 4 in the coming soon!
Now also available in Afrikaans and Zulu!
New Translations
Zulu version of Image of the Future and Carnivorous Kingdoms available now!
Revelation 13 Book coming soon!
The Revelation 13 book, Beasts of the Apocalypse, will be available Q1 2025.
Afrikaanse 3 boek Reeks
Beeld van die Toekoms, Karnivoriese Koninkryke en Die Eerste Vrou opdie Maan reeks op promosie!
Book 3:
The First woman on the Moon?
Book 3 in the series, titled The First Woman on the Moon, has been printed in Afrikaans. It explains the prophecy of Revelation 12 in simple terms, with vivid images that brings the test to life.
As a sequel to Image of the Future, and Carnivorous Kinkdoms, that details the prophecies of Daniel2 and 7 respectively, The First Woman on the Moon, builds on these studies in books 1 and 2. It explores the prophecy at the center of the Book of Revelation that highlights the battle in heaven that resulted in Satan’s dedicated attack on God’s commandment-keeping people on earth.
This nook lays the foundation for the 4th book in the series, Beasts of the Apocalypse, which will be printed in the 1st quarter of 2025. Watch this space for updates and new developments!!

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