Beeld van die Toekoms

Hierdie 32 bladsy boekie is die nuutste weergawe van die eerste boek in the reeks. Dit is ‘n uitleg van Daniël 2 en verduidelik wat die beeld wat Nebukadneser in sy droom gesien het.

Die boekie is hoë kwaliteit, A5, en volkleur met ‘n glans buiteblad. Die grafieka van die beeld is oorspronklik en daar is verskeie prente van relevante geskiedkundige plekke.

Die boekie is ideaal om uit te deel by Daniël en Openbaring seminare of vir evangelisasie doeleindes.

Image of the Future

This 32 page booklet is the first in the series. It provides a detailed interpretation of the statue Nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream. 

The booklet is high quality, A5, full color with a gloss cover page. The graphics of the image are original and the booklet contains several pictures of relevant historical sites. 

The booklet is ideal for distribution at Daniel and Revelation seminars or for evangelistic purposes.

Carnivorous Kingdoms

This booklet is the second in the series. It provides an interpretation of Daniel 7 that builds on the first booklet, Image of the Future.

As detailed in Daniel 7, the b

Future books in the series:

Book 3: The First Woman on the Moon.

Book 4: Beasts of the Apocalypse.

Toekomstige Afrikaanse boeke in die reeks:

Boek 2: Karniforiese Koninkryke.

Boek 3: Die Eerste Vrou op die Maan.

Boek 4: Diere van die Apokalips.